
Just look at those clouds
She says to me
See the sunshine through the trees

You know I think
That leaf just might fall
Hold me close while we wait

and I tell her they say
It may rain today
She says wouldn’t that be great

We can build a waterfall
Over in the creek
And watch time float away

I see wildflowers in her eyes
Wildflowers in her smile
Sense of wonder burning bright
Wildflowers in her eyes

as she dances through
her fragrance in the air
the tapestry she finds

Her feet upon
where no path is worn
leaves no stone  unturned

She looks at me with a serious sigh
Glances away – then back in my eyes
Tucks in her lip – then her smile glows
Eyes lights up –  colors in bloom

She’s a wildflower in my life
Wildflowers in her eyes
Sense of wonder burning bright
Wildflowers in her smile

Just look at those clouds
She says to me
See the sunshine through the trees

 ( Wildflowers  –  John Childers  2007 © )